Supporting Occupational Therapists Held Hostage

The Savvy Therapist stands with the Israeli Society of Occupational Therapy (ISOT) and is deeply saddened by the October 7, 2023 abductions by Hamas that included two Israeli occupational therapists Carmel Gat and Keith Siegel, and Keith’s wife Aviva.

We extend deepest condolences to all the victims, their loved ones, and all who are going through this tragedy. We stand with first responders and healthcare professionals, including occupational therapy practitioners, who experienced trauma themselves, who mourn losses, and who will support the healing, recovery, and resiliency of others.

We thank occupational therapist Orna Kochav for sharing her story of survival with the world, including how principles of occupational therapy help her heal.

We agree with the WHO that proof of life, provision of health care, and immediate release are paramount. The mental health trauma the abducted and their families face is acute and psychosocial support is crucial.

We join our hopes and strength with yours for the safe and expedient return of all hostages and to see peace in the region speedily and in our time.

Staying Hopeful,

The Savvy Therapist

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